As I wrote in my Funeral's page, it was officiating my Dad's funeral that led me to make the move and complete the Certificate IV course at the Academy of Celebrancy. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to celebrate his life and share this intimate time with my family and friends in a way that we all knew he would appreciate.  I knew that if I could do this for myself and my dad then I could do this for other people.

I was very nervous when I first arrived at the face to face training but I quickly found that I was in my comfort zone, well and truly. I realised that I had the skills to make this new phase of my life work, for me and for my future clients. I felt inspired, reassured and excited about the future.

It was wonderful to have such strong support from my family, friends and colleagues along the way as well as from others in the community that I told about my journey, hairdressers, the local cafe owners, the physiotherapist....I was chatting but I was also making my dream a reality. 

My daughter Emma's wedding, which was perfect, made me even more excited about marrying people. What an honour and privilege to be able to share in one of the most important events in a person's life. It made me impatient to meet my first bride (which was a delight, I was as excited as she was) and to finally embark on this new chapter.

Well I'm #notteaching and I couldn't be happier about my launch as a Celebrant. I can't thank enough all the people who have supported me in this, my family and friends, Jess Bilski for my branding and website and Sally Dewar for my photos.

I'm off!